Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good Morning.
It's very foggy outside today
but i only saw the day light for about 10 minutes
on the drive over to where MuteMath is rehearsing.
It's a very large building with multiple rooms for
various musicians to come and prepare for their
upcoming activities. Most of what i hear escaping
through the walls and long hallways are country tunes.
(it is nashville after all)  So i just make a point to hang in the back of the
room drinking coffee, reading the hunger games book
i borrowed from my sis and watch my
 husband drum all day and chat with their
extremely nice crew. I really can't complain!

Jeremy flew in yesterday and it was glorious to see him!
First time to see him since we finished the record last month.
He is going to be sitting in with the opening band called "Canon Blue"
On Mutemath's tour.
Very excited he'll be on the road!

Not only is it great that we'll all get to hang out and have a lot 
of fun together but It will also be a good time to
make some plans for Sucré.
There are some very exciting things already lined up for this month.
I will keep you all up to date of course, as things finalized.

for now, it's back to reading and jamming to one of my favorite bands of all time!

All the best, Stacy.


  1. I love this blog because its sooo cool to read about the musicians creative process...that being your own and your spouses! What an awesome way to spend the day! I can't wait to hear more about Sucre. Hearts, Janna Lynn

  2. Sooo, how much have you cried so far reading The Hunger Games!?!?!? Oy, wrecked me!

  3. I'm going to do my best to get to the MuteMath show in Dallas this week. I'd love to say hey to you guys while you're here (and see an awesome show). I'm excited reading about the reunification of you, Darren, and Jeremy. You guys are a wonderful trio. :-) -Sarah

  4. Hi Stacy,
    Have you ever been to "Crema" in Nashville? It's the favorite coffee shop here in town, and you should definitely visit if you haven't yet! Order the Cuban, and have your life changed!:) Love your music, can't wait to hear more!


  5. I'm so excited, Stacy! It's so overwhelming to me, thinking about you and MuteMath and Jeremy & Elsie being all so entertwined---seriously the crossroads of some of the most inspiring people. I really want to come meet you all!
    Coming to CA?
